Pediatric Therapy Center is a place where our therapists use a creative collaborative approach to encourage learning and growth.
Therapists collaborate with other, clients, and families to create motivating and purposeful opportunities to further develop confidence.
Each adventure at our clinic is client-driven and must entail a high fun-factor.
Client Centered
We celebrate each individual – their interests, passions, and gifts.
Our sessions and programs are designed to build independence and self -esteem. We feel that having opportunities for problem solving and adapting is an important part of the learning process. We incorporate high interest themes when possible to enhance the motivation, engagement, and participation.
Family Oriented
We focus on the child’s community. Working closely with the family is essential for treatment success. Family members are encouraged to participate in sessions and meet with therapists to discuss strategies for home to further support development and growth.
Occupational Therapy
Sensory Motor Integration
Fine Motor/Graphomotor/Perceptual Motor
Relationship/Play Skills
Physical Therapy (currently not able to offer- 3/2020)
Functional Gross Motor Intervention